Services - Scanning
We specialize in scanning color photographic film in 35 mm, 4.5 cm x 6 cm, 6 cm x 6 cm,
6 cm x 7 cm, 6 cm x 9 cm, and 4" x 5" formats. Our Imacon Flex-Tight Precision drum
scanner will scan chrome positives or negatives up to 5,600 dpi, true optical (approximately
twice the resolution of most desktop film scanners). We scan into either RGB or CMYK,
with the CMYK mode producing superior digital separations for offset press printing. For
more technical information on our scanner, click HERE.
In cases where the original film has been lost or scanning artwork is desired, drum scanning
is available for flexible prints and art up to 8.5" x 11". For prints and artwork larger than
this, or non-flexible artwork, a tabloid size Umax flatbed is avialable. Dimensional objects
or flat images beyond 11" x 17" require 4 x 5 copy photography (see below).
For the customer looking for a less expensive way of digitizing their 35 mm film, we also
offer Polaroid SprintScan scans in RGB only up to 2,800 dpi. This scanner can also
scan from either chromes or negs.
All scans are delivered ready for use; color balanced, spotted, cropped to your specs and
archived on a hybrid (PC or Mac) CD-R.
Services - Printing
As a compliment to our scanning service we offer Giclee archival printing. Our 44 inch
width Epson 9500 printer produces up to 44" x 96" inch long archival prints on water
color paper, artist's canvas and a variety of photo papers. All of our materials are tested
by the Wilhelm Institute against UV fading for up to 200 years. This compares favorably
to the 25 year life of a "C" Kodacolor print or 75 year life of an Ilford Cibechrome
print. In addition, the superior tonal range of these digital prints shows shadow and
highlight detail lost in the other prints. These prints are superior for reproducing both
fine art and fine color photography.
Services - Retouching/ Alteration
Images that were previously unusable because of color cast, exposure, or damage are now often
savable. Many of Precision Scan's customers are photographers, artists and designers who do
not want to invest over eight years and thousands of hours in Photoshop like we have.
For more information on art services, visit our Backus Studio website.
Services - Copy Photography
In cases where the original artwork is oversized or dimensional, it is necessary to shoot a
4 x 5 copy transparency. Our 4 x 5 copy camera uses a Schneider 210 mm flat field lens for
razor sharp, distortion free images. We can photograph artwork up to approximately 4' x 8'.